Building energy Metrics
Hasta $ 10,000 en fondos de subvención están disponibles para los residentes de Oak Park para reducir el consumo de energÃa de sus hogares. Ayude a combatir el cambio climático y reduzca sus facturas mensuales de servicios públicos con aislamiento, iluminación, calentadores de agua, grifos, sellado de aire, termostatos y paneles solares de bajo consumo.
¿Te sientes entusiasmado? Obtenga una ventaja en su subvención de eficiencia energética completando previamente la solicitud aquà .

Figure 2 shows the number of Oak Park enrollments in any community solar program.
Data Source: ComEd Oak Park customer data

Figure 3 shows the number of Oak Park buildings with rooftop solar. Note, there are approx. 22,100 buildings total in Oak Park.
Data Source: Illinois Power Agency:

Figure 4 shows the total Village-wide greenhouse gas emissions from 2017 to 2020.
Data Source: Village of Oak Park Greenhouse Gas Inventory

additional METRICS
3,659 MTCO2e
Total greenhouse gas emissions from municipal building energy usage (2022)
Number of solar permits processed by the Village (2022)
Number of solar inspections processed by the Village (2022)
1-2 days
Average timeline for solar permit review by the Village (2022)