rooftop solar & Geothermal energy

A bright source of locally grown energy
Ready to take your renewable energy game to the next level? Consider investing in solar panels to create clean, carbon-free solar electricity or a geothermal energy system.
Learn about Distributed Generation Rebates offered by ComEd to help you offset the out-of-pocket costs of installing a qualified renewable energy generating system.
Solar Energy Systems
Learn more about installing rooftop solar in Oak Park here.
Read about important considerations prior to starting a rooftop solar project here.
ComEd has resources to calculate projects and energy savings, steps for getting started, and incentive and credit information.
Savings on Rooftop Solar:
The Oak Park Energy Grant program is provides grants for home energy improvements to income-qualified homeowners and landlords with income qualified tenants.
The Cook County Sun and Save program installs solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at no cost for income-qualified residences and homeowners in Cook County.
Read the Homeowner's Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar (external link). En español aquí.
Solar Switch Chicagoland is a a program that will save you money on a rooftop solar power system.
Illinois Shines offers financial incentives for rooftop solar.
Illinois Solar for All is a program for income-eligible residents. Consumers can take advantage of the benefits of solar at little or no cost.
Geothermal Energy Systems
Geothermal energy systems use heat pumps that move heat from the ground to your home or from your home to the ground. They also provide efficient water heating.
Learn about Grow Geo Chicagoland, a program that will save you money on a geothermal heat pump system.
how do solar panels work?
benefits of RENEWABLE energy
Generate carbon-free, renewable solar power
Create high-quality, local green jobs
Reduce US' dependence on fossil fuels
Reduce air and water pollution
Save money on your monthly electric bills
Enhance your property with a long-term investment
Customize your rooftop solar or geothermal system to best fit your own personal needs